Swimming: The Gift of Memories
By Dayle Tillman
Many of us initially introduce swimming to our infants and toddlers with safety as our main goal. As new mothers we read about children drowning and we know it’s the devastating silent killer. Teaching our children to swim is so much more than just a precaution though. Giving the gift of swimming is a sport that will carry our children to their golden years and they will fill the chapters of their life with memories from swimming that are full of laughter and love.
As toddlers and young children explore swimming, they are developing healthy muscles and lungs in a fun environment. Can you remember spending hours in the water until your mom insisted you get out of the pool immediately exclaiming your lips were turning blue? Do you remember what you were doing? Perhaps you were diving to find the penny, competing with your friends to see who could swim the longest distance before coming up for a breath or the classic favorite pool game “Marco Polo”.
Swimming also lends itself to quality family time with minimal external distractions. Lazy weekends spent at the pool lounging around chatting casually in a relaxed atmosphere that is often challenging to find indoors. Engaging in some healthy fun competition like diving rings that just may give the smaller family members a chance to some bragging rights at dinner that night. Even busy weekends spent traveling to sports events that may separate families for the day can wind down with dinner outdoors and an evening swim under the stars sharing the events of the day.
Teenagers spend a hefty amount of summer break hanging out with friends at the pool or beach. Social anxiety is high at this age and being a confident swimmer is paramount to enjoying this free time. Pool parties aren’t very much fun if you are afraid of the water and this is the time in our lives that many of us create some of our memories that linger long after our youth. As a sport, swimming is a wonderful way to compete both individually and as part of a team. High school and college athletes have a sense of belonging and school pride along with earning personal accolades and financial scholarships.
Weekends and vacation are the true destination from the time we enter the workforce until we retire. Spending time on the water and filling our free time with beach adventures, boating and pool time is exactly what we crave. The gift of swimming allows us to enjoy this time and take full advantage of the soothing and uncomplicated environment that water creates.
For more information on our kids swim lessons programs, please see: parent-tot swim, toddler swim, preschool swim, child swim.
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