Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Swimmer’s Night Before Christmas!

Swimmers Night before Christmas!

By: Rose Beasley

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at Swan Aquatics Water Safety Services. We wanted to do something a little different this year.  Therefore, we came up with a version of  The Night Before Christmas that is for all the swimmers out there.  We hope you enjoy it and that you have a wonderful holiday weekend.


A Swimmer’s Night Before Christmas

Twas the swimmer’s night before Christmas and all in the pool

There were happy swimmers keeping active and cool.

Some did the backstroke and others the butterfly

Their technique was perfect, that no one could deny.

This was a special night because when the workout ends

They would join the annual Christmas party with family and friends.

Hearts began to pound excitedly as they all began to remember

all the fun times and memories made on this night last December

The night would include dancing and karaoke plus all kinds of fun games

Games like Dirty Santa for which they had all previously drawn names.

Chat involving the olympics will take place while eating a variety of treats

and many of the young athletes will confidently discuss their next swim meets

Just a few more laps left to go before the workout is complete

Then all the swimmers will exit the water and happily go eat

Swimming burns a lot of calories and builds up a big appetite

but their cravings will be settled at the big party tonight.

From fruit trays to fondue stations and from turkey to cheese platters

There will be something for everyone and that’s all that matters.

At last the workout has ended and the swimmers breathe a sigh of relief

Time for a visit from the man whose job at the North Pole is Chief

Some people may wonder why these athletes are swimming on Christmas Eve

However, a swimmer’s heart knows that the pool comes first and then you leave

As they laugh and high five while retrieving their gear, one looks back to say

“Don’t worry old pool, we’ll be back before the end of the year.”



Be sure to visit us for updates at theswimmingswan.com 

from The Swimming Swan LLC https://theswimmingswan.com/swimmers-night-before-christmas
via https://theswimmingswan.com

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